Tyres Disposal

Like individuals, tires have an approximate lifespan. When something is too damaged, worn out, or old to be fixed, we typically dump it in the trash. Unfortunately, the ecology suffers as a result of this.

As a result, attempts to reduce tire trash mounds have intensified. And because of this, some people recycle used tires at home for a number of purposes. For instance, you can use abandoned tires found in the wild as training gear.

However, the focus of all these activities is on tire recycling. Why is this happening at this stage, you might be wondering. For your benefit, this post’s subject happens to be this.

In this essay, we’ll discuss what recycling tires entails.

Recycling Tires

Next, we’ll talk about the procedures for recycling tires.

Tire recycling, also known as rubber recycling, is the process of recovering used car tires that can no longer be used on automobiles due to permanent damage or premature deterioration. Used tires are one of the most problematic and challenging types of solid waste.

This includes processing used tires for reuse. These tires, often known as end-of-life tires, are frequently useless at this point. And the reason for this is wear and tear. Utilised tires are recycled by being converted into parts that can be utilised to create new products. You might be questioning why recycling tires is still essential at this stage.

This is due to their expanding population as well as the speed at which some tires wear out. More tires are being dumped in landfills as a result. Furthermore, as you are well aware, when we discuss landfills, we are speaking of much more important issues.


We are worried about a variety of issues, including environmental contamination from landfills, dangers to marine life, warming temperatures, and more. Recycling appears to be a great approach to avoid these as a result.

It’s important to be aware that every year, more than one billion waste tires are created. In fact, the number of rubbish tires in the United States alone was close to 249.4 million a few years ago. And the only way to finish jobs correctly is by recycling.

Reusing tires has actually always been a smart move, as history shows. For instance, a few decades ago, a large number of people lacked automobiles. Worldwide, there were, however, more than a billion tire waste piles.

Today, when most people already owned one type of car or another, the global waste heap only contained about 60 million worn tires. The recycling of tires is the cause of this. Tire recycling is, and always has been, a prudent choice. Contact a tyres disposal service to properly and efficiently recycle used tyres.

You become even more persuaded when you realise that rubbers were once as costly as silver. At the time, recycling was the only viable way to continue productivity.

Tire recycling suddenly appears like a sensible choice. However, getting there isn’t easy.

Regardless of tire recycling, here is a tutorial that explains easy disposal of used tyres:

  • Collection of waste tyres
  • Tyre processing by shredding
  • Steel liberation
  • Screening stage
  • Cleaning stage
  • Packaging and transporting stage

Other than the above mentioned procedures, the most practical way of getting rid of this rubber rubbish is creating fun and games for children as they are transformed into playing materials in parks,playgrounds and zoos. Examples of these creative ideas include cleaning and repainting them to be used as customised benches, improvised swings, crawling spaces and skipping and jumping spaces.